$2500 HSF Aspiring Scholars Award

Application Form 2023-24
Application Form 2024-25

Due: February 18, 2025 at 11:59PM PT

Feb 19, 2025 - Application Closed

The HSF Aspiring Scholars Award for the 2024-2025 season is now closed.

House Scholarship Foundation

Jan 2, 2025 - Application Update

Hi, my name is Cameron Dang, one of the co-founders of HSF and a current senior at UC Berkeley. I started HSF in 2020 with my friend Charles as a small attempt to provide educational opportunities for other students -- I am grateful to have been able to run HSF (with more success than I had imagined) these past few years.

In late 2024, due to personal, academic, and work commitments (we are all students), our team chose to pause the HSF application between 2024 and 2025. However, we failed to realize that many external websites continued to link to our old 2023-2024 application. This resulted in many students applying for our old application, unbeknownst to us.

Although we have no funding for this application, denying this opportunity to students, especially those who have applied, is incredibly unfair. As a result, I will be restarting the application, set to be due February 18, 2025 at 11:59PM PT with a $2500 award.

This application will be funded solely by me. So, if you are aware of any small businesses or sponsors willing to help out, anything would be greatly appreciated!

For FAQ, please click the button below.

Cameron Dang
House Scholarship Foundation


Aspire to Lead

Before you begin the application, we recommend you copy the questions over to a word document and answer there. Once you are done with answering, copy your answers over to the boxes here and submit. We will not save your answers unless you hit submit. For the short answer questions, we highly recommend you stay around the recommended word count.

Please also make sure you meet our eligibility requirements:
- You are a US citizen or permanent resident.
- You are a current high school student (9-12th grade).
- You have a high school transcript available (unofficial or official).
- You will go to a US-based college or equivalent after graduation.

This year at HSF, our primary award is $2500 with two secondary $500 awards. Finalists, semi-finalists, and honorable mentions may be named and honored but no financial award will be given. We reserve the right to refuse the award.

For information about our privacy policy, click here.

Contact Information

Personal Background Questions (choose to the best of your ability)

The first three questions have no impact on your application and are only for us understanding our demographic audience. Please choose Other if you would prefer not to answer these questions.

High School Transcript, GPA, and Extracurriculars

General Questions (Recommended 50-100 words or 600 character limit)

Themed Questions (150-300 words, 2000 character limit)

*Please note that if you are selected as an honorable mention, semi-finalist, finalist, or a winner, we may request a picture of you. Furthermore, in accordance to our privacy policy, we will not disclose your information; any usage of your information is only to contact you or judge your application in a fair and indiscriminate manner.

Application Closed

Thank you! Your application has been received!

Please note that if you are selected for an award, we may request a picture of you.
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting your application. We apologize for any inconvenience.