Our Sponsor
We want to thank DrKumo Inc. for their continuous generous donations for our application seasons and projects. Alongside DrKumo, we are dedicated to enrichment of basic needs of students in the United States, whether that be educational resources or healthcare availability.
DrKumo logo
Our Sponsor
Special thank you and appreciation to the Walmart Foundation for sponsoring and funding our program through the Walmart Foundation Community Grant.
Walmart logo
Our Sponsor
We would like to thank and recognize Sam's Club for sponsoring and funding our operations!
Our Sponsor
We would like to recognize the godsend that is Google's Ad Grant for Nonprofits that helped us build HSF into what we are today.

We would also like to thank the individual donors who have helped us get to where we are today. We could not have funded our scholarship programs without the generosity of friends, families, our community, and those abroad.

If you would like to donate to our nonprofit (all proceeds go directly to our scholarship program or projects), please contact us at info@nationalhsf.org.